The Jaintia Hills originally formed part of the territories of the Raja of Jaintia, whose territories extended upto the plain snows known as the Jaintia pargannas of Sylhet District which is now included in East Pakistan. For purposes of administration, the area was then divided into 12 (twelve) Dolloiships under the suzerainty of the Raja of Jaintiapur. The Dollois were elected by the people of the villagers under their jurisdiction and they exercised both civil and criminal powers.
West Jaintia Hills District is one of the 11 (eleven) districts of the state of Meghalaya. With the bifurcation of the erstwhile Jaintia Hills District into East and West Jaintia Hills District, West Jaintia Hills District came into existence on 31st July 2012 with its Head Quarter at Jowai. There is presently one District Jail at Jowai; the same caters to both the West and East Jaintia Hills Districts.
The District Legal Service Authority, Jowai has already been established under the aegis of the Meghalaya State Legal Service Authority and comprises of the District & Sessions Judge as the Chairperson, the Chief Judicial Magistrate as the Secretary with one Additional Deputy Commissioner , the Superintendent of Police, the Public Prosecutor and two non-official members.
There are at present 3 police stations, 4 out posts, 1 beat house, 1 traffic cell and 1 police investigation centre falling with the District.Prior to the separation of the Judiciary from the Executive, civil and criminal powers were exercised by the Deputy Commissioner and the Assts. to the Deputy Commissioner.
The Court of the District and Sessions Judge, West Jaintia Hills District, Jowai was established in 2013 under the auspicious hands of Chief Minister of Meghalaya Dr. Mukul Sangma and former Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court Justice T Meenakumari. The courts of the District Judge, Munsiff and others try civil cases arising from the entire area of the West Jaintia Hills District (including Amlarem sub-division). The courts come under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 and other laws defining their territorial and pecuniary jurisdiction, etc. In criminal matters, courts of the Sessions Judge, the Chief Judicial Magistrate and other Judicial Magistrates are set up under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
Smti. B. Giri was appointed as the first District and Sessions Judge, while Smti. C. Dkhar was appointed as the first Chief Judicial Magistrate and Assistant District and Sessions Judge, Shri. Febroneous Silkam Sangma as the first Munsiff and Judicial Magistrate First Class and Smti. E. Shabong as Judicial Magistrate First Class
The Court of the Judicial Magistrate First Class, (Amlarem sub-division) West Jaintia Hills District, Jowai was established in 2014. Shri. Albert W. Lanong was appointed as the first Judicial Magistrate for Amlarem sub-division.